How to manual timetable

From NIMBY Rails Wiki
Revision as of 12:30, 30 July 2023 by Danny252 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "NIMBY provides a range of timetabling tools that can be combined in many ways. == Concepts == === Line Stops === The Stops interface of a Line provides a template to which trains can run. The times shown for each stop are '''relative times''' - they do not represent clock times on a 24 hour timetable. Instead, the times show when a train will arrive, depart, or pass a location relative to the arrival time at the first stop, which is always 0:00:00. === Train Orders =...")
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NIMBY provides a range of timetabling tools that can be combined in many ways.


Line Stops

The Stops interface of a Line provides a template to which trains can run. The times shown for each stop are relative times - they do not represent clock times on a 24 hour timetable. Instead, the times show when a train will arrive, depart, or pass a location relative to the arrival time at the first stop, which is always 0:00:00.

Train Orders

The Orders applied to a Train determine how Runs of a timetable are generated. Orders may be Automatic, in which case the Train will perform Runs of the same Line forever based on the "Auto run line" settings for that Line, or Manual, allowing the user to specify Orders for several different lines.


A Run specifies the actual timetable to which a Train will run. A Run consists of:

  • A Train
  • A Line
  • A specified day and time for some Event on the line

The event that is specified is usually the Departure from the first station. Possible ways of specifying this event are:

  • Set a train to "Auto run a line", where the Departure Time from the first station is the event, and the times are computed automatically based on the line settings
  • Select "Depart exactly at" in Manual Orders, where the Departure Time from the first station is set to the specified time
  • Select "Arrive exactly at" in Manual Orders, where the Arrival Time at the first station is set to the specified time
  • Select "Arrive no later than" in Manual Orders, where NIMBY automatically computes the earliest possible arrival time based on the previous order