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NIMBY rails game concepts
Map objects
Line concepts
Train concepts

In NIMBY Rails a passenger (also abbreviated as pax) is a person who travels on a train from an origin to a destination station. This page considers both the rules governing pax behaviour as well as static and dynamic properties of pax. As a lot of the NIMBY Rails simulation concerns pax in some way, not all topics are covered in detail here. Please refer to the linked pages as appropriate. As part of the development roadmap, it may be possible to use rules mods in the future to change the rules governing pax behaviour, such as base demand and the expectations that drive satisfaction.

New pax spawning

New pax spawn in stations according to the spawn rate of a station. The place the pax spawned in is referred to as their origin station. Pax are allocated immediately to one of the three distance categories: local, regional and long distance. Upon spawning pax will pick a destination.

Pax pathfinding logic

Pax boarding behaviour


Index of pax static properties

Pax pathfinding results in the following properties being applicable to pax at any point in time.

Pax groups

For pax pathfinding and boarding, the game represents pax using groups of pax with the same destination.