
From NIMBY Rails Wiki
Revision as of 20:01, 29 September 2024 by Schatty (talk | contribs) (→‎Accounting)
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NIMBY rails game concepts
Map objects
Line concepts
Train concepts

A line is a sequence of one or more stops, and some associated data like fares and line duration. Trains can follow lines by setting them in auto mode or by creating orders.

Line overview

The Line overview is a list of all lines. The way the lines are sorted and displayed can be changed at the top. The map icon only shows all lines that are currently visible on the map. The second button opens a menu with the following grouping options:

  • Group by: All lines (shows all lines)
  • Group by: Tags (shows all lines in the way your tags are build up and assigned)
  • Group by: Untagged (shows all lines that have no tags)

There are also options to exclude lines from being displayed in the overview:

  • Closed
  • Technical
  • Open
  • With warnings

Additionally there is also a option to make the lines more compact.

At the bottom are six buttons that are from left to right:

  • Create a new line
  • Create a new depot line (creates a new line, which is already set to technical maneuvers)
  • Clone selected line
  • Issue an intervention to all trains currently running the selected line
  • Delete selected line
  • Pan and zoom view when selecting a line or station

Line Settings

You can access the line settings by selecting a line. A window to the right of the line overview will appear.


The stops tab gives you access to the basic line settings and have an overview of the stops assigned to the line and their settings.


  • Name (the name of the name of the line)
  • Code (the line code, which is displayed in several places instead of the line name, e.g. on the train icon, the platform overview, ...)
  • Base ticket price (price that will be payed once by pax for boarding the train)
  • Price per km (price that will be payed by pax for every driven km, will be added to the base ticket price)
  • Color (color that will be used on the map and the line overview)
  • Display on Map
  • Service level


Expands a field where you can assign tags to the line, which will then be assigned to trains as they service the line.

Default timings

  • Reference train
  • Cruise speed (km/h) (By default set to 90% of the maximum speed of the reference train, can be changed to a manual cruise speed. Trains can run faster than the cruise speed to make up for delays.)
  • Max. acceleration (m/s-2)
  • Max. breaking (m/s-2)
  • Default stop time (stop time that will be assigned if a stop is let on automatic timing)
  • Line duration (appears if certain line duration options are selected)
  • (Period)
  • (Custom Period)
  • (Custom)
  • Extra stop time on (Padding time which will be added to reach the assigned line duration. Two different modes: Either evenly split on all stops or evenly split an manually marked stops)

Auto run line

  • First train departure
  • Timezone
  • (Custom time zone)
  • Launch trains
  • Auto interval
  • Manual interval

Stop overview


Shows you a timetable for one day with all the trains that have an assigned order on that line on the selected day. By default, the timetable is set to the current day and time, but there are two arrows at the top right to switch between the different days of the week. There are two buttons at the bottom right to zoom in and out.



Shows you all the accounting data of your line. The following data is collected and displayed: